
No mas pensando

"I have hit a wall." 

I have no idea lo que quiero hacer ahora.  I mean how can you decide want you want to do for the rest of your life.  Ahore me siento un poco atrapada just by thinking that I have to decide something soon, because I can't spend the rest of my life bumming around and jumping from place to place.  It is fun, but it tends to get old.  Pero it scares me just thinking of settling.


And there is the root of my problem.  I am always thinking that I am settling, why?  No tengo la menor idea, porque en realidad  I never have, but others have that I know and they just seem so miserable.

Grrr!  I am just rambling again and letting my mind wonder to new careers.  I mean how do people decide?  How the hell did you decided? or have you not?


Something on what happened in Virginia.

Just a little blip. I don't want to spend a lot on it since there must be hundreds comments on this, but I believe that the media shouldn't have played or published what the individual left behind. That was just helping the individual reach his goal of stardom and proving to others that anything will get you in the media. He should have been left behind and not made him the star of his little movie he created.

That is all, otra vez es lo que yo pienso.


Quien hace caso?

I need some respuestas.

¿Que pasa con la juventud de hoy? I know everybody always asks the same question, but do you think that they don’t care or are they just being forgotten. I mean from personal experience (i.e. I once was a teenager and dealing with teenagers, currently) some of them just don’t seem to care. Se meten en problemas and they act como it is our fault. Society might blame the parents for not paying attention to their children, but I have been involved with parents that are involved with their children and they still drop-out, get in trouble with the law, or just don’t give a damn about their future.

I have also noticed that their peers have the greatest influence on them. Example, I know of a teenager that by herself she will do her homework, go to work, and be somewhat responsible, but mix her boyfriend or friends and she becomes this child that is disrespectful towards her family, gets in to fights for the dumbest reason, fails classes and just thinks that her family is getting in the way and doesn’t know what she has gone through. I mean can’t they see that their friends are not helping.

Otra cosa que me choca is when kids say they got into pandillas so they can know what a family feels like. Te la paso that there are some kids out there that are completely forgotten by family but that is not an excuse to be a pendejo, succeed and show them what you are capable of don’t just be another statistic

I have also encountered others that have a loving family that cares about them and still say that they don’t have any family until they joined their clica. Give me a break.

You guys are probably tired of hearing the same stuff, so aqui le corto.

Another thing, I am not saying the whole youth is like this. These might be the exceptions or maybe the ones that succeed, but I just had to vent.

Some facts on Youths in Gangs.