
New Year's Resolution

I just happen to glance down at my new year's resolution that I made at the beginning of the year and so far I have two out of three, not bad.

New Job and I bought a house.

One more to go. :o)


Red Heads

Funny thing happen to me on the way to my home.

I was at a gas station using up my student loan to fill up my car and I was just staring off in to space. When a couple of Hispanic men pulled up to get some gas as well, it looked like they were going home after a very productive day. And they were just talking about their plans for the weekend and shooting the breeze. While , on the other side of the island a an older white lady and her daughter pulled up. As the daughter, who happened to be a red head, got out of the car one of the guys whistled. Now, the guys had not even seen her, since I understood what they were talking, they were discussing the mishap they had at work, and one of them whistled to say pretty much IJOLE! Well, that is not what the mother thought, she got out of the car and stood next to her daughter, and told her to ignored them Mexicans, they do not have redheads in their country so they are not used to people like us. OMG! I was amazed that the lady said that, and I just started to laugh, pretty much in their faces. I looked her and shook and got in to the car. I just wanted to go over their a give her a bit of history concerning the Mexicans and the Irish, because there are still some towns in Northern Mexico with a crap load of kids with Irish last names and red hair to with it.

The idiocy of some people.

And the men never even noticed the lady, there WAS a gas pump in the way!

Ay, esta gente.


No Title

Wow, I have really been lax about keeping this up.

Well, I finally obtained a semi stable job. I currently work for an organization that helps individuals with developmental disabilities and TBIs. The organization is non-profit but it pretty much runs for the county. It amazes me how much of the money that can be directed to helping individuals goes to paying people that do nothing withing the wall of the new building.

Well, I wondered about this and I asked, and the response that I got was, the funding that is received for maintaining the organization can not go anywhere but to the organizations functioning, which is sad because for the first time in fifteen years the org, received enough funding to help fifty individuals on a waitlist of over 900. We have an individual that has been on the waitlist since the 1940's. WOW! Yet, we have enough money to run this organization without anyone worrying if we will get paid. I do not understand the politics that go into running a nation because this is a nationwide thing.

Or am I wrong? I could be.

Peace out mi gente.


Economy Crisis

I have one solution for the Economy Crisis we are in... Let all the Hispanic that are being deported stay and continue to purchase houses and cars.
Do you remember a few years back when the economy was 'booming'?  Well the reason was because all of those 'illegal aliens' were not scared of being deported so they were purchasing like crazy.  They had the ability of purchasing houses with their own country's ID, they could purchase cars with the same ID.  They love to purchase things, but now , NOOOO we are sending them away, so they are taking all the money they had saved and sending back to their countries, they are being deported so they can no longer pay they homes they purchased.  They are no longer buying things because they are scared of being caught.
Yes, they are 'breaking' the law for being here illegally, but they had the purchasing power, they were not afraid of spending their money. They purchased items and sent it back to their country's, they had POWER! Us 'legal americans' don't buy houses, don't buy cars, don't spend money because we are scared for the economy. Come on, THINK!  How are we going to keep the economy going if we don't want to buy.  We are scared and all we are doing is hoarding it, so what will happen when all that money that we hoard in our banks gets lost when the economy crashes?  We loose it, remember 1929?
This Economy Stimulus Payment that the IRS is doing is not going to help.  In the first place where is the money coming from?  Are we getting more in debt to get out of debt? I mean don't we already have a bad credit from the 'Freedom War', didn't we borrow more money for that as well?
I mean, watch "A day without a Mexican", it semi-explains it.