
Soy un Arbol?

I sit here wasting away doing nothing, I still can not motivate myself to do something. I look around and see others aspiring to be someone and I still sit here just looking into a screen that will give no answers. I look and look as if to see that maybe it will be able to show me where I need to be. I feel lost as if I will never find my way. I feel as if I have no freedom, as if I am tree that has been planted and its roots have taken hold of the earth and don’t want to let go even if its leaves shake with desire of freedom. Those few instances of hope, when the wind comes and blows and blows, freedom seem so close, but nothing. The leaves look up into the sky wishing they could go with it, not knowing that there will be a day when they are free, and hoping they were still attached to the tree.

Will the same thing happen to me?

*Photo taken from this site.


Amor Latino?

¿Si hay algo lo que se llama amor latino?
¿Han escuchado la canción de Carlos Vives que se llama “Amor Latino”?

Hay maneras de amar diferentes, te quiero contar
que en mi pueblo se quiere mi gente, que no tiene igual,
y en mi pueblo latino se siente, en mi pueblo latino se crece,
una forma de amar diferente, que hoy hiere cantar.

Siempre se habla de un amor o una manera que la gente hispana/latina tiene de expresar su manera de amar. Siempre dicen que las demás razas no aman como los latinos. ¿Pero que manera es esa? No es que quiera mal hablar a mi gente, pero yo quiero saber de que hablan.