

Have you ever just wanted to run away from everything and anything?

Bueno, yo lo he hecho. Didn't run too far away, but there is enough distance between me and my 'responsabilidades' too enjoy the freedom. Ya se que I eventually have to return to them, since they call me everyday on my phone. But it is fun to now and then take a trip and distance yourself from your problems and responsibilities. We need to take mental break o si no nos volvemos locos. That is why people just crack in the middle of driving to work...too much stress. GENTE take a break, un descansito never hurt anyone.

Take care people there are only one of you.


La Madre

Pues ya saben que era o será las días de las madres por ahí en el mundo. So, I decided, aunque me quejo mucho de ella, to write about this wonderful lady that gave me life. And then others can share what you want about your Madre.

I was going to write a whole biography about her but decided against it. I will just write down things about her that makes me smile, laugh, cry or just want to scream at her.

Mi madre me grita when she is mad at others, of course she screams at me when she is mad at me as well. I smile, sometimes.

Mi madre se ríe cuando comienza a bailar conmigo y mis siblings we can be dancing like idiots, looking like monkeys jumping from tree to tree, but it is still fun. Me divierto.

Mi madre no tiene compasión, bueno no mucha, cuando me enfermo y no voy al doctor y me pongo grave. Me dice, "Te lo dije." I just smile.

Mi madre screams at me to do something, when I am in the process of doing it. I just smile in frustration.

Mi madre pulls the guilt card, every time I don't reach my potential. I just give her a hug.

Mi madre has an uncanny way of saying the right word to piss me off, even if she is being helpful. I just roll my eyes, respectfully.

Mi madres tells me she loves me. I give her a kiss.

Mi madre is perfect in a very human way. I love her, even if I want to run away from her on occasions.

*Photos taken from these sites 1 and 2


I had this whole entry written out and ready to send in for anyone to read, and then I didn't like what I had written so I deleted it, I didn't save it, just erase and gone. So now escribire de otra cosa, de nada.

Saturday night and instead of going out with my friends, they called thirty minutes ago to go over their place, I decided to sit here for a while and write. I decided not to be sociable and entertaining tonight. Just sit and ponder what the hell I will do. I have been doing this a lot. I never come up with an answer, it doesn't depress me as I know it would to someone, I mean it is better to ponder about what we will be doing eventually then think about how to get out of something we are doing right now that we don't like to be doing. Long sentence, but do I make sense?

Frivolous, again who cares.

Parents. I am old, well, older than twenty-one, but the minute the parents speak my brain shuts down and I get annoyed by them. Is this normal?
They will ask me a question regarding the siblings, digging for dirt, and I usually will respond in an annoying and rude tone. My usual response is why don't you ask them your self. Sometimes, I will get a lecture because of them. For instance, if one or all of them do something wrong I will get the lecture. The responsibility lecture, again, I tell them why don't you tell them this. Their response, "Well, they don't listen." Excuse me, parents, but do you really think I want to hear the same lecture over and over again? NO! It is annoying. Especially, since I am not the one that did the deed.

Again who cares.

It is funny the smallest thing that can annoy us.

When I am told what to do when I am doing it. My brain just wants to commit murder.
When somebody does something nice for someone else, and they complain because it wasn't done the way they want it. Just be a bit grateful.
One uppers. Enough said.
The smacking of the lips when people talk. Ha Ha. I am just going crazy now.

Hell, I know, I annoy people. They have told me.

Oh well, I am human...and I still don't know what I will do.

What annoys you?